I am pondering that very thought this afternoon as the rain is hitting my window. The Lord's love for me is so great, so deep, so wide, it is almost incomprehensible. I have been unable to post due to the busyness of my life this week. It is Vacation Bible School and we are up and out of the house by 8:00am and when we get home around 1:00pm, we are all "too pooped to pop"! I love VBS! I love the kids so much! It just blesses my heart to be able to be used this way! We are doing Power Lab VBS and we have about 120 children showing up every day! Praise God!
As you may know, we are without a car. My husband has a car for work (praise God he has work), but the children and I are doing without for now. It was weird in the beginning. Having to depend on others for a ride -- everywhere! However, as we are into our third week now, without a car, I am starting to understand the reason. It is for me, once again, to experience the fullness of His grace! I just want to thank the Lord for friends who have come to my aide these past few weeks. I am seeing "Jesus in skin" once again.
I told the kids at VBS today that the Lord places people in our lives to help us walk our walk each and every day! A family in our church offered their car for us to use during the month they will be vacationing. WOW! It is this same family that drove up my driveway on Monday after VBS and handed me the keys to their car. Telling me that they "figured I wouldn't ask them so they were just going to bring it here!" I was humbled and blessed!
During my devotions I was challenged to write a time line dating back 20 years to the present. Then, I was to list the major life-events through the years and place the names of people involved in my life during those times. It showed me all of the people that the Lord strategically placed in my path of life during those critical times in my life (or before those critical times actually occurred)! How powerful that was! I am so aware of the fact that that is a big way that the Lord shows how great, how wide, and how deep His love is for me. Yes, He showed it once and for all on the cross, but He is so generous that he would continue to show me every single day! Thank you Lord!
1000 Gifts (Gratitude List continued from previous post).....
81. Jesus in skin - (People who do the will of God for others).
82. Children's deep questions.
83. Opportunities to serve.
84. Friends who love me for me (mistakes and all).
85. Power - literal power (and the power of God).
86. A teachable spirit!
87. Time for reflection in the midst of the busyness of life!
88. The breathless wonder of startling beauty that is all around me!
89. Science experiments that are not messy!
90. 2 Thessalonians 1:2 (in The Message) "Our God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you're to be."
We are moving today and have the help of people who are "Jesus in skin" to us. Thank you for reminding me that whatever we do unto others in the spirit of Christ it is as if we were feeding and clothing Him! I love the idea of a timeline showing God's faithfulness--maybe even a wall in our new home so we never forget!!! In His grip, Monica
I love to read your blog, I always leave encouraged. The Body of Christ, in action, is beautiful to behold. Miraculous, really!
Thanks for all your prayers, your thank you card is on my blog. It was truly a comfort to kow you were walking with us from Florida!
Love to you! TracyXO
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