Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Gift List

Gratitude. At The Women of Faith Conference, one of the speakers said that this is a proven medical marvel - "When you are grateful, fear can not take place in your brain." It has to do with the way our brain is wired. But, who wired our brains to begin with - God! I think that is so cool! Gratitude and Fear cannot coexist! It just cannot happen!

My friend who blogs over at "Just Another Ordinary Miracle Today" has started adding to her blogs her 1000 Gift List. It's a list of 1000 things that we are grateful for - things that we may even take for granted. It was started by Ann Voskamp and she puts forth the challenge for us to take a look at what the Lord has so graciously lavished upon us. Perhaps if we took on this challenge of thinking about what we are grateful for and naming them one by one, we would have less time to complain and less time to fear. The Bible says "Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above" so I want to start intentionally pondering the gifts that God has already given me in my 39+ years. Care to join me?

Here I go....
1000 Gifts:

1. The camp counselor that told me about Jesus and prayed with me at the young age of 7 to accept Jesus as my personal Savior.

2. The treasure of a man I have called my husband for the past 18 years.

3. The three superhero miracles that I tuck into bed every night.

4. The smell of coffee and that very first sip that makes me sooooo happy!

5. My Rescuer!

6. Snuggles and cuddles with my boys.

7. Modern medicine and the Divine Healer who grants the doctors wisdom.

8. Randy Alcorn, who challenges me to live with an eternal perspective! One of my favorite

9. Spiritual mentors (Mothers in the Lord) I have a few very close and dear ones!

10. Girlfriends. It is a necessity, and a true gift from God!


Anonymous said...

Ahh I love that!

Anonymous said...

I love that!

Barclay 5 said...


You have such a beautiful and grateful heart, you always have - it is one of your most endearing qualities. It will be fun filling our mouths with praise together!

Love, me

Michelle said...

I took you up on your idea.

Barclay 5 said...

Hey Lisa,

At Ann Voskamp's blog she has alot of great information for homeschooloing moms. She is really quite remarkable, and I believe you would enjoy her words!

Love you