Thursday, September 20, 2012

How He Loves Me!

I did what I always do. Wake up and run to Jesus. It's our special time..every day. Today was not suppose to be any different. My internal clock had me awake at 5:30am, I take my place in our designated spot and begin to pray. Oh how I love Him too!!

What happened next could have made me feel horrible. Could have had me feeling behind and guilty today, but oh the contrary. As I began to pray...

That is all I can remember. Suddenly I open my eyes and its 7:00am. What? I didn't read my Bible, I didn't pray...what? I must have fallen asleep! I cannot remember the last time I've done that!

However, none of that went through my mind. NOPE! I felt such peace! I know I spent time in His presence. In fact, I woke up and felt as if I was in His very arms. I felt as though He gently caressed my hair and rubbed His hands on my cheek and whispered "Oh How I love you!" over and over I do my boys sometimes. So peaceful, such a gentle touch the Father has!

Instead of feeling like one of the disciples who fell asleep at the Garden, I felt like sleep was exactly what He wanted me to have this morning..and He lovingly bestowed it upon me! What an overwhelming sense of His peace. When we rest in His lap we can't help but have peace...He is the Prince of Peace after all!

Do I have a lot to do today? Yes. It has been one of the busiest weeks ever...but I'm not in a rush (I'm writing this aren't I). He will accomplish what He desires in me and through me today!

So I begin my day, with His scent still on me! His mercy rests upon my heart and soul and today will be a wonderful day! I can't wait to spend some more time with Him. It makes you long for more! How He loves me...and I love Him too.

It's no surprise that I woke with this song in my head!


Michelle said...

Love this- "His scent still on me", what is the scent of Jesus? does peace have a scent? what about love? it excites me to think of that. So happy you started your day off this way, I've been reading Daniel and it reminded me of his time asleep and with our Lord- different than yours but the same. Thanks for this.

Michelle said...

Love this- "His scent still on me", what is the scent of Jesus? does peace have a scent? what about love? it excites me to think of that. So happy you started your day off this way, I've been reading Daniel and it reminded me of his time asleep and with our Lord- different than yours but the same. Thanks for this.