December 15, 1990

Mike & Lisa Engel - 19th Wedding Anniversary!
Join me if you dare, in a world of all boys, and not just any boys --- boys with super powers! Boys that have the power to melt me in a second with just a kiss or a smile, boys that have the amazing ability to turn my hair a totally different color, boys that have the ability to make my emotions change on a dime! My superheros!
December 15, 1990
Mike & Lisa Engel - 19th Wedding Anniversary!
Here we are making a Christmas chain to count down the days until December 25th! Each day a different person gets to rip the chain and also push the button on our musical advent calendar.
The finished product!
Decorating the Christmas tree is laden with tradition. Each and every one of our ornaments have a story to tell. My husband had a new ornament every year as a child so we continue the tradition and tell the stories of each one every year. It is a great way to pass the memories down from generation to generation.
Here we are at our homeschool Christmas party. The children were able to make their own cookies and decorate them. Twenty seven children play games, singing songs and learning to sign "Silent Night"....what a sweet way to start off the month.
Then we had our annual tree trimming at the New Smyrna Beach Sheriff's office. What a fun time for the kids. They look forward to this every year! This year one of the officers took pictures of them with a Polaroid camera...they thought it was magic! Remember Polaroids!
I pray you enjoy your traditions and remember the humble beginning of our Savior's birth!