I had already been hospitalized three times due to fetal distress and dangerously low amniotic fluid. My doctor had already had the discussion with me that Shane may not make it...I was told that we would have the best neo-natal unit ready to sweep him away and care for him right after my delivery. My doctor was one of the best in the state, but he found himself consulting with doctors in NY and CA he said..."it is one for the books."
Back to the morning of June 16th. I went in and told my doctor that I had had one of my weird dreams about him and my delivery (typical pregnant dream) it had something to do with Martha Stewart too...she was in my dream...odd huh? Anyway, we all got a good laugh about it, then my doctor says these words...I will never ever forget them. "Funny that you say you dreamt about me. I had a dream last night too, and I have never in my memory ever had a dream...ever!" He just explained that he had never dreamt before ever! Wow! However, on June 15th he dreamt about a patient with a very large womb...he was examining her, when he suddenly saw this bright blinding light coming from the uterus. He looked over at his nurse and said "Do you see that bright light?...amazing." She leaned forward to look and she said with a gasp..."OH look there is an angel in there!!". He immediately woke up, shook his wife awake and said "I have to deliver Lisa Engel today!" He had already made the arrangements for the Operating Room and I was set to deliver at 8:00pm. I remember saying..."WHAT? Because of a dream!" He reiterated that he had never dreamt before and he said "when I heard the nurse say that there was an angel in the uterus...I immediately knew that I must deliver your baby today!" A month early! He said that if Shane stayed in one more month he was likely to be around 15 lbs at the rate his abdomen was growing...the ultrasound showed a very large, very disfigured baby in a lower amount of amniotic fluid. It just made sense to him, and I was a peace! So it was set! We would all meet Shane at 9:00ish! Meanwhile, I call our freind and "adopted" grandma Carole and these were her words..."Well, I've been praying for Shane and I believe that was the Lord in your womb, healing that baby!" Little did she know how prophetic that really was!
This same doctor delivered my twins and was there when I almost died. He gave his team and amazing pep talk, looked over at Mike and I and said...it is in God's hands. (This man was not saved as far as we know, but we loved him and still do very much!). The operating room was crowed, more than with the twins, with NICU people and everyone was anxiously waiting to care for this little "gift from God"!
He removes Shane and I remember hearing my doctor almost cry in astonishment, "Do you see this? Do you SEE THIS? LOOK AT HIM!!?? I can't believe it!!....LOOK AT HIM!!" I remember crying thinking..."what in the world does he see!!" He started to laugh and came around the curtain and told me Shane is so beautiful, he told Mike to see for himself...he was 10lbs, a little jaundice and had an enlarged liver, but not anything...NOTHING..like what we saw that morning!! (We all believe that the Lord was in my womb healing Shane in that dream that my doctor had!) NICU could leave...Shane would spend some time under the lights, but by 11:00pm I was holding my newborn, beautiful, gracious gift from God! In my memory, it was my first time holding a newborn. (remember my last post...I was in and out of a coma when they gave me my twins..I have pictures, but no memories of holding them as newborns!)
I always say that Shane was my bow on the most amazing gifts I could ever hold! My journey to become a Mommy was such a long one. Ten years of taking my temperature, getting shots, giving blood, having surgery and losing 14 babies along the way, then to get pregnant with twins almost losing them two or three times, strict bed rest for 6 months and then almost dying after giving birth. I never thought I would get pregnant let alone have a fairly decent pregnancy. I was totally surprised when I saw the plus sign on the pregnancy test (with the twins...I always expected a plus sign...being a fertility patient will do that to you!) I got to show off my belly when I was pregnant with Shane (less bed rest with him), I got to purchase an outfit for him...I couldn't do that for my twins (bed rest!)...so all the things that didn't happen or I couldn't do while pregnant with K&B I was able to experience with Shane...gracious gift from God!
So here he is! Six years old today! Such a special blessing to add to my quiver!

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And here he is in 2013! My coffee loving, presidential expert, with a big heart who someday with ROCK this world! (He's already rocking mine!!) I love you more than rainbows Shane!! |
The Lord has given him a very sensitive heart for people. He loves people...just like his Mama! He has a magnetic personality and I believe the Lord will use him in a mighty way to influence other to receive Jesus! Thank you Lord for this week in June. The week that I will always celebrate like Hannah did, that perseverance did more than culminate in three miracles for me, but it built my character, faith and trust in a God whose timing is perfect and who cares what happens in the "waiting" time as well as in the answer to my prayer! Much happened to me in that time of waiting on the Lord. He changed me for eternity, then he gave me these gifts that bring me joy unspeakable! Thank you Lord for loving me they way you do!