If you know me at all I am not a ballerina or even remotely like a ballerina, well at least not in body and strength. However, in studying Hebrews I began to think a little about ballerinas. They require (among many things) intense focus. In that way I can say that, even I, am ballerina-like. I have been required to have intense focus lately.
Making Christ my focal point as I wade through my day of serious circumstances. Just like a spinning ballerina must keep returning her eyes to a given point, to keep her balance, I too must keep returning my focus on Christ, lest I fall and fall hard.

The truth is our circumstances are always in flux, and the world seems to be whirling around sometimes. The only way to keep our balance is to fix our eyes on Him, the One who never changes..(also found in Hebrews by the way).
I heard it once put this way: "Are you gazing at your circumstances and glancing at God or are you gazing at God and glancing at your circumstances?" Let's face it...we have a great deal of hardships and battles going on all around us. My son Brendan is struggling so much right now with high anxiety and stress. He is only 10, yet the effects of his surroundings (having to live with an aging Alzheimer's great grandfather and the death of his grandmother) I continue to saturate him with verses like these. We have circumstances, to think we could totally ignore them would be unrealistic. They are in our face.
However, I know, now from experience, there is a remedy! If we gaze too long at our circumstances we will indeed become dizzy and confused. If we "fix our eyes" on Him, continually refreshing ourselves in His Presence, He will set our path straight and we will not fall or lose balance. I have been saturating myself in His Word, spending time in my prayer chair and communing with Him daily. It has enable me to GAZE at Him and only Glance at my circumstances. I want to encourage you to make Him your focal point today...and see what a difference it makes. Let me know what God is doing in your life!