On this night, Good Friday, it is tradition for my family to read the story of when Jesus was crucified. Tonight was no different. We did have a family game night, but then as the boys brushed their teeth and got ready for bed, we all met out in the living room, so Brendan, one of my 9 year olds, could read the portion of scripture for the family. I love how even my youngest is respectful and listens intently. On Sunday morning we will read the rest of the story.
The most humbling part of the night is after we finish reading, we all pray. I had to quickly get to the computer this year to write down the prayers of my boys...just so I would never forget.
Kyle: "Jesus, I love you so much! I don't know what I would do without you! I hated it when they laughed at you and made fun of you, it makes my heart hurt too. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Sometimes I sin and I know it must make you so sad, I'm sorry Jesus, I really love you."
Brendan: "Dear Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. You went ahead and did all of that just so I can go to Heaven. I'm glad I love you Jesus, but when we read what happened to you, it makes me sad. You died for me and sometimes I still sin. I am sorry Jesus, I know you know I love you and I know that even when I sin sometimes, you always forgive me. Help me not to sin, help me to obey my parents, help me to do everything that makes you happy and not sad."
Shane: "I love you Jesus! Thank you God for Jesus dying on the cross for my sin. I don't like to hear all those things in the Bible because it makes me want to cry. You love us so much! Thank you Jesus. I love you too!"
Mike: "Father God, thank you for sending your Son to take our place on the cross and dying for our sin. Because of Jesus, and the blood that he shed on that day so long ago, we can enjoy fellowship with you God...a holy God! Thank you Lord for loving the world that much, to send your one and only Son to give us eternal life! I love you Lord!"
Me: "Heavenly Father, I thank you for the sacrifice you have made to make a way for us! We deserve the cross, you did not, yet you sent Jesus, to take our place and pay the price. Oh Lord, that level of love is almost too magnificent to understand! Praise you Lord! Thank you for loving me that much and your continued love for me as I journey through this fallen world. Help us all, Lord, to be mindful of what is pleasing to you. Help us to do as unto you Lord in everything we do and say, may we be honoring to you! Thank you Lord, I love you so much...and I know I do because you first loved me." --in Jesus Name, Amen!
I did the best I could at remembering them verbatim.
What a beautiful way to end our Good Friday. Ironically enough, one of my boys asks today..why do they call it "Good" Friday? There are many responses we could have given our boy tonight, but the one we gave was right out of what Brendan read. What happened that night, right after Jesus took his last breath? The veil of the temple was torn...ripped from top to bottom! That symbolized the veil between a Holy God and man - the separation and distance due to our sin -- and it was DESTROYED! Destroyed completely and forever...what Satan meant for evil, God intended for GOOD -so perhaps that is one explanation of the reason we call it Good Friday.