Join me if you dare, in a world of all boys, and not just any boys --- boys with super powers! Boys that have the power to melt me in a second with just a kiss or a smile, boys that have the amazing ability to turn my hair a totally different color, boys that have the ability to make my emotions change on a dime! My superheros!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
On the 22nd Day of December....

Lots and Lots of cookies! These are just a few...I didn't have much time to take pictures today...I wonder why?
OH! And it wouldn't be a day with the Engels if we didn't get a shot of some strange critter. Here we have a lizard caught in the act of eating lunch. Lovely huh? Lizard eats worm! What fun!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Empty Mall

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Acts of Service

Brendan and Shane are just thrilled that this officer didn't put them into the holding cell! :)
We made homemade ornaments....the snowflakes were made by the Engel boys.
Below we are just hanging with the Henrys! Ty and Faith are our dear friends. We are doing the same curriculum for homeschooling. It is great to have such a wonderful support system so close by! I am grateful for opportunities for my children to give back, and for the service men and women who give every day.
Monday, December 15, 2008
18 Years and Still Going Strong

We have weathered many storms together, that have indeed brought us closer together. He was there for me when my father died, he even helped care for him during his last hours. We traveled the road of infertility for 10 long years. My husband endured tests, and was a champ at administering shots for 6 of those years. He worked full time and put us both though the remaining years of college. He cried and held me through the loss of 14 babies to heaven as we endured miscarriage after miscarriage and failed procedure after failed procedure. He wept and prayed for my recovery as I almost died giving birth to my twins. He cared for those babies while I was in and out of a coma for 4 days in the hospital. He has remained my rock on this earth and has always been the one to rescue me whenever I am in need of rescuing. He has been an amazing, hands on father, teaching my boys love and life. He is one of the most humble people I have ever met. He is so intelligent, so strong in his faith and convictions, so forgiving, so loving, so mine!
On December 12th we celebrated by double dating with another couple. Two of our dearest friends in Florida...Don and Linda Bradley. We were so honored that they would say yes to celebrating with us. It is such a gift from God to be able to find friends (couples) that click in every way with you (you know how it is...not only are the wives great friends, but the husband are as well...that is pretty special). The Bradleys have become like family to us. We couldn't imagine enjoying such an important event without them. We had such a great time together. Here we are at Bubba Gumps.

So, I look forward to the rest of our lives together. Growing old (or older), raising our boys, enjoying each others company until Jesus takes us home. Ask any of my girl friends and they will tell you, no one compares to Mike Engel. Thank you Lord for gifting me with this priceless treasure of a man whom I have the honor of calling my husband. Thank you that he shines Your light and love to all who meet him. Thank you Lord for loving me so much that you would cause such a union. I pray that you would bless my husband. Continue to mold him and make him into the man you have called him to be. I pray that he would prosper in every good work Lord and that you would open the floodgates of heaven and pour out your blessing upon him in Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord for your clear definition of love: Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, love is not proud, love is not rude, love always trusts, love always never fails.
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

Many of my Christmas traditions come from spending so many of our Christmases with the Jonas family. Ornaments have always meant something special to them too and they are full of tradition in that home as well. When we decorate our tree we talk about every single ornament before it is placed on the tree. We remember who gave it to us and talk about the memories we share with those people. It is a very special time in our home.
Last year Kyle placed the angel on the tree, this year it was Shane's year. It is a huge deal! (I don't know why, but we play it up as some great honor!) So Shane was thrilled this year!

And my PartyLite is on display! (one of the perks of being a former consultant!)
See, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We are just missing the salt...frosted windows....gray ice....ummmm.....we are not missing those things (just the white snow, sometimes) We love our palm trees and ocean!