"Self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success." True or False? I'll leave the answer up to the reader. I can tell you this: Our very lack is an opportunity to latch onto the Lord in unashamed dependence. Think about it, when we start our day with inadequate resources, (time, energy, money...) it forces us to live in the present moment. This is where we were meant to live! Awareness of our inadequacy is a rich blessing, training us to rely wholeheartedly on the Lord. Again, we know that health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. I'll leave you with two verses to ponder before you answer my true or false quiz:
Cor 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Join me if you dare, in a world of all boys, and not just any boys --- boys with super powers! Boys that have the power to melt me in a second with just a kiss or a smile, boys that have the amazing ability to turn my hair a totally different color, boys that have the ability to make my emotions change on a dime! My superheros!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Making of an Artist
Well, I do not have an artistic bone in my body. Pretty much, if we play Pictionary together, my countries, people and animals all look alike! It's true - only my husband can guess what I'm drawing most of the time. So, one day, during Spring Break my superheros decided they were going to put together an Art Gallery/Show. We would come, (invitation only) and browse the gallery of art work, watch a show by the artists and then choose a selection of art to purchase.
Please Meet The Artists
Mind you, they are superheros, unmasked yet still trying to hide their true identity! :)
Mind you, they are superheros, unmasked yet still trying to hide their true identity! :)
Now enjoy, as we did, the work of true talent! Mike and I are art lovers, we would visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art many times while living close to NYC. So, we can really appreciate good art! Needless to say, we purchased everything and it is now hanging in our kitchen/dining area! Amazing, truly breath taking.....
All of my superheros are talented in their own way. Art happens to be Kyle's forte! He enjoys it and is by far the one who is the most detailed as an artist. We love them all however, because it is an expression of interest for each one. The show went on and Shane, Kyle and Brendan sang their little hearts out and it reminded me of me putting on little shows for my parents when I was little. Precious, priceless moments in time!
All of my superheros are talented in their own way. Art happens to be Kyle's forte! He enjoys it and is by far the one who is the most detailed as an artist. We love them all however, because it is an expression of interest for each one. The show went on and Shane, Kyle and Brendan sang their little hearts out and it reminded me of me putting on little shows for my parents when I was little. Precious, priceless moments in time!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lisa & Lisa
I had the amazing opportunity to spend a weekend with a good friend and sister in the Lord and to attend the Extraordinary Women's Conference! That was last weekend and I am still walking about 5 feet off of the ground!

I was encouraged, challenged and motivated! The conference was about Discovering the Dream God has for you! The Lord did an amazing work in many of the women attending this conference including my own. The speakers were incredible! Speakers like Chonda Pierce, Thelma Wells, Angela Thompson, Lisa Whelchel, Carol Kent. OH MY GOODNESS!! Oh yea, not to mention worship was INCREDIBLE!! And special concerts by my favorite - Mark Schultz and Mandisa from American Idol! Did I say WOW yet!
Ok, so I will probably blog about specific things I have learned about myself, my dreams and the Lord's dreams for my life, on other occasions. Suffice to say you should go ahead and read Jeremiah 29:11 - It's my verse - I've claimed that since, my goodness, way back when I was trying to have babies! But, it is your verse too - so go ahead and read it!
So, below is my new friend Lisa Whelchel. This first night I didn't even think to bring one of my books to have her sign, so she just said I could bring it tomorrow and we'll just take a picture.

Well, here we are the next day (after she gave an amazing message and an alter call that brought hundreds of women to the front to accept Christ as their savior and for prayer)!
Lisa and I have an inside joke now (I couldn't help myself)!
Oh and see I brought my book this time!
I had a wonderful time and am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with the ticket and hotel room to stay in Orlando! God is so amazingly wonderful - he knew just who needed to go! I love you Lord!
My good friend and Extraordinary Woman!

I was encouraged, challenged and motivated! The conference was about Discovering the Dream God has for you! The Lord did an amazing work in many of the women attending this conference including my own. The speakers were incredible! Speakers like Chonda Pierce, Thelma Wells, Angela Thompson, Lisa Whelchel, Carol Kent. OH MY GOODNESS!! Oh yea, not to mention worship was INCREDIBLE!! And special concerts by my favorite - Mark Schultz and Mandisa from American Idol! Did I say WOW yet!
Ok, so I will probably blog about specific things I have learned about myself, my dreams and the Lord's dreams for my life, on other occasions. Suffice to say you should go ahead and read Jeremiah 29:11 - It's my verse - I've claimed that since, my goodness, way back when I was trying to have babies! But, it is your verse too - so go ahead and read it!
So, below is my new friend Lisa Whelchel. This first night I didn't even think to bring one of my books to have her sign, so she just said I could bring it tomorrow and we'll just take a picture.
Lisa & Lisa

Well, here we are the next day (after she gave an amazing message and an alter call that brought hundreds of women to the front to accept Christ as their savior and for prayer)!
Lisa and I have an inside joke now (I couldn't help myself)!
Oh and see I brought my book this time!

About that Science Fair!
Finally! The Science Fair pictures! Well, here is how it went down! About 30 or so homeschool students participated in this Science Fair. This was Brendan's first and mine as well. I don't remember ever being in a Science Fair. Actually, I don't remember much of elementary school - I think that part of the memory doesn't come back until I'm around 85 years old.
Well, Brendan did his experiment on "Disappearing Water" or as we adults call it - Evaporation! This happened to be a very fun experiment that we did during the course of our homeschool year and Brendan loved the final result of the experiment so he chose to do this.
After setting up the display, the parents and siblings had to go outside and play (they had a playground - thank you Lord!!) We played for 1 1/2 hours. While Kyle, Shane, Mom and Dad played with all of the other Moms & Dads and children - the judges did their thing. They looked at each experiment and/or display and asked the children a series of questions to be sure they understood and actually did their experiment.
Can I just say - this experiment and having my child judged was excruciating for me - Not Brendan, but me! Oh, we role played and practiced and the poor kid and to write and re-write his information until it was up-to-par! UGH! This was an exhausting process. Not that I needed him to win, but I just didn't want him freezing up with all the questions or feeling nervous.
Well, he did AWESOME! Brendan is in 1st grade this year - and he came in 2nd Place in the 1st & 2nd grade category! We were so proud. Actually, I could never be a judge - every project was a winner! In fact every student got a prize so that was great!!
I teach an Enrichment Class (Sign Language) on Wednesdays with some of these boys and girls and I was just beaming with pride for every one of those kids! Bravo!
Well, Brendan did his experiment on "Disappearing Water" or as we adults call it - Evaporation! This happened to be a very fun experiment that we did during the course of our homeschool year and Brendan loved the final result of the experiment so he chose to do this.
We arrived nice and early to set up!

Can I just say - this experiment and having my child judged was excruciating for me - Not Brendan, but me! Oh, we role played and practiced and the poor kid and to write and re-write his information until it was up-to-par! UGH! This was an exhausting process. Not that I needed him to win, but I just didn't want him freezing up with all the questions or feeling nervous.
Well, he did AWESOME! Brendan is in 1st grade this year - and he came in 2nd Place in the 1st & 2nd grade category! We were so proud. Actually, I could never be a judge - every project was a winner! In fact every student got a prize so that was great!!
Here is my proud boy and his ribbon!

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Secret to Success in Life
Oh, I so love Albert Einstein. In preparation for my blog about Brendan's Science fair I thought I would leave my readers (as few as there are) with this awesome quote by Albert Einstein:
"If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut."
Isn't he a hoot! A smart hoot at that!
Stay tuned for the Science Fair blog (I'm just tired of downloading pictures right now - tomorrow after all is another day!)
"If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut."
Isn't he a hoot! A smart hoot at that!
Stay tuned for the Science Fair blog (I'm just tired of downloading pictures right now - tomorrow after all is another day!)
Friday, April 11, 2008
This just in.....
The weather up north (NJ) right now is 54 degrees with a high today of 56 degrees, the weather here in beautiful Florida is now 72 degrees with a high of 86 degrees this afternoon. Ahhhh. Yes the palm trees were swaying, the sun was shining the water was crystal clear. Today was our first official day (afternoon) at the beach. When Kyle got off the bus, we went straight to the beach (well we picked up Shane first of course)!

We had so much fun today. Brendan and I enjoyed a field trip (another post at another time) to the Daytona International Airport and we ended the day with our family at the beach and our favorite Mexican Restaurant (Mi Mexico)! YUM! Now everyone is tucked in bed (giggling -- I hear lots of giggling)!
The water was cool, but refreshing!

We forgot our boogie boards! Next time for sure!

If you are not familiar with Kyle's magna doodle art, I will post another time! Fortunately, when we don't have a Magna Doodle handy, we have plenty of sand! (only minutes from our house!)

We had so much fun today. Brendan and I enjoyed a field trip (another post at another time) to the Daytona International Airport and we ended the day with our family at the beach and our favorite Mexican Restaurant (Mi Mexico)! YUM! Now everyone is tucked in bed (giggling -- I hear lots of giggling)!
A Baby For My Birthday
(A repost of my myspace blog)
Boy, I bet that caught your attention. What? Well, relax, I’m not having a baby! Although, I’m thinking I need to volunteer in the baby nursery at church! Yea - I’m reaching 40!
Well, I love putting my kids to bed. Mmmmm! (said like you say it when you smell homemade cookies being baked) I love laying next to each of them and letting the unwind from the business of the day! Tonight was just pure, unadulterated joy let me tell you. Well, I’m am going to tell you. Here is a portion of my conversation with Kyle. (You should know I asked the Lord to help me recall this conversation to a tee! I knew I had to journal it!)
Kyle: Tomorrow is your birthday?
Me: Yup!
Kyle: Are you so excited?
Me: I wouldn’t go straight to excited?
Kyle: Are we gonna have presents, a cake and goodie bags?
Me: Probably not. (but thinking in the back of my mind, that would have been a good idea (the goodie bag) if it weren’t so close to the giant goodie bag they just got today - Easter Baskets)!
Kyle: Well, I’m gonna make you a cake.
Me. Well, I will love it!
Kyle: I’m gonna buy you some presents too.....at Walmart!
Me: Ohhh - what will you get me?
Kyle: Well its a surprise, but I will whisper it. I’m going to get you the Little Mermaid video game, a new computer and some books.
Me: WOW! Kyle you really are so thoughtful! Those are wonderful ideas. (Other than the Little Mermaid, he knows I love the computer and love to read!)
Kyle: Yup! And I’m going to get you some candles and a new hair band with rainbows on it. Oh and this is the best one of all!
Me: What is it?
Kyle: You are going to love it!!! It’s very special! You are going to love it and and it will love you! A new baby!
Me: Wow! A new baby! How will I get a new baby?
Kyle: Well, at the store.
Me: Are you going to buy it from the store.
Kyle: Maybe Daddy will have to do it, but I’m going to call her Ola Engel and I’m going to hold her first.
Me: Kyle, you don’t really think that babies come from a store do you? I mean, remember, you grew in Mommy’s belly!
Kyle: Well, not Walmart, but a special baby store. One where only Daddies can go and buy babies to put in your belly.
Me: Wow! You know you don’t have to go through all of that trouble - I would just really love a picture that you draw for me - that’s my favorite! Besides, what am I going to do with another baby?
Kyle: You will love it and sing to it and read to it, and love it and hold it, and kiss it and sing Jesus songs to it and you will just love it, like you love me and my brothers.
Me: Kyle, I do so love you and your brothers very much.
Kyle: Yea, and then there will be 4 kids and next year on your birthday we can get another one and there will be 5.
Me: Wow! I don’t how I will raise all of these babies!
Kyle: (yawning) You know what to do!! Can you sing to me now?
Me: (start sing our Christmas medly of Silent Night, Joy To the World, O Holy Night and O Come Let us Adore Him - Ending with You are My Sunshine!)
He quickly fell asleep!
This blessed my heart. It told me that despite all of the craziness that surrounds my little son in his disability, he really gets life! He gets that I love him, and do that by singing to him, holding him, kissing him, and reading to him. And not just him, but his brothers too. And evidently he thinks I’m pretty good at it too! Wow! That is the best birthday present a Mommy could ever want! I’m totally satisfied!
Boy, I bet that caught your attention. What? Well, relax, I’m not having a baby! Although, I’m thinking I need to volunteer in the baby nursery at church! Yea - I’m reaching 40!
Well, I love putting my kids to bed. Mmmmm! (said like you say it when you smell homemade cookies being baked) I love laying next to each of them and letting the unwind from the business of the day! Tonight was just pure, unadulterated joy let me tell you. Well, I’m am going to tell you. Here is a portion of my conversation with Kyle. (You should know I asked the Lord to help me recall this conversation to a tee! I knew I had to journal it!)
Kyle: Tomorrow is your birthday?
Me: Yup!
Kyle: Are you so excited?
Me: I wouldn’t go straight to excited?
Kyle: Are we gonna have presents, a cake and goodie bags?
Me: Probably not. (but thinking in the back of my mind, that would have been a good idea (the goodie bag) if it weren’t so close to the giant goodie bag they just got today - Easter Baskets)!
Kyle: Well, I’m gonna make you a cake.
Me. Well, I will love it!
Kyle: I’m gonna buy you some presents too.....at Walmart!
Me: Ohhh - what will you get me?
Kyle: Well its a surprise, but I will whisper it. I’m going to get you the Little Mermaid video game, a new computer and some books.
Me: WOW! Kyle you really are so thoughtful! Those are wonderful ideas. (Other than the Little Mermaid, he knows I love the computer and love to read!)
Kyle: Yup! And I’m going to get you some candles and a new hair band with rainbows on it. Oh and this is the best one of all!
Me: What is it?
Kyle: You are going to love it!!! It’s very special! You are going to love it and and it will love you! A new baby!
Me: Wow! A new baby! How will I get a new baby?
Kyle: Well, at the store.
Me: Are you going to buy it from the store.
Kyle: Maybe Daddy will have to do it, but I’m going to call her Ola Engel and I’m going to hold her first.
Me: Kyle, you don’t really think that babies come from a store do you? I mean, remember, you grew in Mommy’s belly!
Kyle: Well, not Walmart, but a special baby store. One where only Daddies can go and buy babies to put in your belly.
Me: Wow! You know you don’t have to go through all of that trouble - I would just really love a picture that you draw for me - that’s my favorite! Besides, what am I going to do with another baby?
Kyle: You will love it and sing to it and read to it, and love it and hold it, and kiss it and sing Jesus songs to it and you will just love it, like you love me and my brothers.
Me: Kyle, I do so love you and your brothers very much.
Kyle: Yea, and then there will be 4 kids and next year on your birthday we can get another one and there will be 5.
Me: Wow! I don’t how I will raise all of these babies!
Kyle: (yawning) You know what to do!! Can you sing to me now?
Me: (start sing our Christmas medly of Silent Night, Joy To the World, O Holy Night and O Come Let us Adore Him - Ending with You are My Sunshine!)
He quickly fell asleep!
This blessed my heart. It told me that despite all of the craziness that surrounds my little son in his disability, he really gets life! He gets that I love him, and do that by singing to him, holding him, kissing him, and reading to him. And not just him, but his brothers too. And evidently he thinks I’m pretty good at it too! Wow! That is the best birthday present a Mommy could ever want! I’m totally satisfied!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Elisabeth Elliot once said, "What God gives in answer to our prayers will always be the thing we most urgently need, and it will always be sufficient."
Help me to remember this Lord, because too often I think I know what the answer should be and often it is very different. Still waiting Lord, to hear about my husband's interview. Maybe today?
Help me to remember this Lord, because too often I think I know what the answer should be and often it is very different. Still waiting Lord, to hear about my husband's interview. Maybe today?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Movie, Mini Golf and Bowling
What did we do for Spring Break 2008. Oh it was fun! We changed our plans like 5 million times, but fun was still had by all.
To start I cannot forget our Resurrection Day Celebration. Celebrating Jesus, fun, food, family - could it get any better? Here are some pictures of our Easter Celebration
Now, Spring Break 2008
Monday - Movie Day! "Horton Hears a Who" - loved it!!
Mini Golf - it was the boys first time and they absolutely loved it!! (Mike and I had so much fun not playing, just watching!)

Mini Golf - living in FL, there is a plethora of choices for mini golf - sometimes I love living in America's favorite vacation state!

I tried like crazy to get their feet in the "My Three Sons" shape - it just wasn't happening! Bowling, one of my boys favorite activities! Brendan bowled an 88 last time - hello that is better than me!
My boys finished their week by making $15.00 by having a lemonade stand at MeMe's garage sale (no pictures sorry) and swimming in Miss. Lorries pool! We had a full week and it made me think summer is coming and I'm looking forward to it!
This week we are focused on SCIENCE FAIR project! UGH! More to come later!
To start I cannot forget our Resurrection Day Celebration. Celebrating Jesus, fun, food, family - could it get any better? Here are some pictures of our Easter Celebration
Now, Spring Break 2008
Monday - Movie Day! "Horton Hears a Who" - loved it!!
Aaron Shust Concert - got our picture taken by the Z100 dude! It was a very personal intimate concert! I was blessed to go - plus hanging with my girls is always fun! What a blast!
See Aaron Here
See Aaron Here

Mini Golf - living in FL, there is a plethora of choices for mini golf - sometimes I love living in America's favorite vacation state!

I tried like crazy to get their feet in the "My Three Sons" shape - it just wasn't happening! Bowling, one of my boys favorite activities! Brendan bowled an 88 last time - hello that is better than me!

This week we are focused on SCIENCE FAIR project! UGH! More to come later!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My Superheros!
You thought I was kidding right?! I'd like to give you a glimpse into my world. Meet my men!
Ok. This was 2 years ago!
Wanting To Do This for a Long Time
Ok! So my friend Michelle is my fellow blogger and somehow she keeps up with two blogs - we'll see how I do. I have an ongoing blog in myspace, but I'm hoping that this will be a bit easier (and a little less intimidating) for friends and family to see. If at any time you're interested in my myspace feel free to view at MySpace . Well, I'm off to start my day - first Bible, then Language Arts, then Science Fair Project!
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