As soon as someone says something like..."I am really a big fan of your blog" I am suddenly ridden with guilt because I haven't been keeping up lately. You see I had a wonderful vacation (still more to come on that) and then I got back and my world exploded.
So, I digress from the vacation blogging and talk about what God has been showing me. As I work so hard to get off the speeding train that I've been riding for the past three weeks, I found myself outside in my yard, inspired by God's beauty. Beauty inspires you know? It also speaks, nourishes, comforts, and draws you to God! (I'll be sharing about Beauty on Saturday at Bagels & Blessings). So, I was looking at my jasmine bushes the other day and realized that spring is here and it is time for some serious yard work. I darn my gloves & I begin the task of pruning my jasmine. I am not a big fan of pruning, only because I could prune so much that I feel like I would ruin the whole plant. So, I go the other way and I find that I am a conservative pruner (if indeed pruner is a real word). I'm not exactly sure of the ramifications of conservative pruning, but I do know the benefits of cutting back so the jasmine will grow even more beautifully and fuller the next time it blossoms. Wow, the word choice: cutting back! That speaks a whole other blog I think (hmmmm...see I just need to type and then all these blogs pop in my head).
So, as I stood and looked at my bush. I was a little timid to cut the branches. I snipped a little here and there, but I knew that if my husband was out there, he would have snipped that thing to nakedness.
That night, I found myself praying after pruning. Asking God, NOT to be conservative when it comes to pruning me. I long so desperately to please Him! I know that nakedness is painful sometimes, vulnerability is hard, pruning actually hurts, but the benefits far outweigh the momentary pain. I want to be all that God wants me to be. I don't want to get in my own way of growing in Christ. Prune me Lord, don't hold back! I want to blossom more beautifully, I want to be more like You Jesus! I want to make You smile!
So, as I stood and looked at my bush. I was a little timid to cut the branches. I snipped a little here and there, but I knew that if my husband was out there, he would have snipped that thing to nakedness.
That night, I found myself praying after pruning. Asking God, NOT to be conservative when it comes to pruning me. I long so desperately to please Him! I know that nakedness is painful sometimes, vulnerability is hard, pruning actually hurts, but the benefits far outweigh the momentary pain. I want to be all that God wants me to be. I don't want to get in my own way of growing in Christ. Prune me Lord, don't hold back! I want to blossom more beautifully, I want to be more like You Jesus! I want to make You smile!